Trademark Renewal
Trademark Renewal
Once the trademark is registered the holder has to renew the trademark so as to preserve the legal rights, ownership and protection that comes by the way of registration. The renewal is to be done 6 months before the trademark is expired.
Documents required
- Proof of applicant.
- Trademark Certificate
- Power of Attorney.
- Copy of TM-A.
- And many more
What is the Price you need to Pay for Trademark Renewal?
The Cost for Trademark Renewal would vary from depending upon the plan you choose.
All Inclusive Pricing – No Hidden Fee
all inclusive fees
On-Demand Pricing
- Filing of written reply for the Trademark renewal application for the Proprietorship Firms and Small Enterprises (MSME, NGO).
all inclusive fees
On-Demand Pricing
- Filing of written reply for the Trademark renewal application including MSME certificate of registration.
all inclusive fees
On-Demand Pricing
- Filing of written reply for the Trademark renewal application for the Large Enterprises (Private Limited Company, Public Limited Company, LLP).
- For the selection of name of the company, total of four names can be given.
- Stamp duty is a state subject and it is different in every state, so that will be excluding the price given.
- Refund of money in 30 days.