A Registered office of the Company within the local limit of city, town or village to another place within the limit of same city or town or village may be changed with the approval of the Board. A registered outside the local limits of the existing place but in the same state jurisdiction of the same registrar may be changed with the approval of the Shareholders by passing a Special resolution and from one state to another and jurisdiction of one registrar to another Registrar with in the same state may be changed with the approval of the Central Government (Regional Director).

Documents required

  • Copy of order of RD (Regional director)
  • Copy of Altered MOA (Memorandum of association)
  • Rent agreement/ Lease deed/ Ownership document of Premises on Company name.
  • NOC from owner of the building to use the property.

What is the Price you need to pay change Registered Office Address?

The Cost to Change Registered Office Address would vary depending upon the plan you choose.

All Inclusive Pricing – No Hidden Fee

Pay now
Pay now
Pay now
  1. For the selection of name of the company, total of four names can be given.
  2. Stamp duty is a state subject and it is different in every state, so that will be excluding the price given.
  3. Refund of money in 30 days.