Private Limited Company

A Private Limited Company is the most popular form of company incorporated         by the entrepreneur’s under the companies Act, 2013 India and governed by Ministry      of Corporate Affairs. A Private Limited Co.     is a legal entity and is incorporated with minimum of 2 persons to maximum of 200 persons.

Documents required

  • Identify the 2 directors and submit their documents as given below
  • ID proof as PAN, Aadhar, Passport
  • Address proof as Bank statement/Electricity bill/Mobile bill/Telephone bill of Director’s and Shareholder’s latest by 2 months.
  • Objects of the Company.
  • And many more….

What you have to pay to register your company?

The Cost of Incorporation / Registration of a Company would vary depending upon the plan you choose.

 All Inclusive Pricing – No Hidden Fee

Pay now
Pay now
Pay now
  1. For the selection of name of the company, total of four names can be given.
  2. Stamp duty is a state subject and it is different in every state, so that will be excluding the price given.
  3. Refund of money in 30 days.